
Tuesday, December 31, 1985

1985 Mythopoeic Award Nominees

Location: Unknown.

Comments: In 1985, two things happened that were more or less unprecedented for the Mythopoeic Awards. First, 1985 appears to be the first year in which women didn't make up at least half of the total nominees. Second, this appears to be the first time that a work written by J.R.R. Tolkien was nominated but did not win. I'm not sure if the occurrence of either event is particularly significant, but it was the first time for either.

Best Adult Fantasy Literature

Cards of Grief by Jane Yolen

Other Nominees:
The Book of Lost Tales by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Damiano Trilogy (Damiano, Damiano's Lute, and Raphael) by R.A. MacAvoy
The Hero and the Crown by Robin McKinley
Moonheart by Charles de Lint

Scholarship Award in Inklings Studies

Reason and Imagination in C.S. Lewis by Peter J. Schakel

Other Nominees:

Go to previous year's nominees: 1984
Go to subsequent year's nominees: 1986

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