
Sunday, December 31, 1989

1989 Mythopoeic Award Nominees

Location: Unknown.

Comments: In 1989 the Scholarship Award went to J.R.R. Tolkien's posthumously published book The Return of the Shadow. I've said this before, but I think that handing Mythopoeic Awards to honor works written by actual members of the Inklings seems little bit like self-dealing to me. In the case of The Return of the Shadow, there is at least the fact that Christopher Tolkien edited his father's work into a publishable form to mitigate the apparent conflict of interest, but Christopher's involvement also raises the specter of nepotism, so it doesn't actually improve the situation much.

Best Adult Fantasy Literature

Unicorn Mountain by Michael Bishop

Other Nominees:
The Last Coin by James P. Blaylock
The Nightingale by Kara Dalkey
Red Prophet by Orson Scott Card
Walkabout Woman by Michaela Roessner
The White Raven by Diana L. Paxson

Scholarship Award in Inklings Studies

The Return of the Shadow by J.R.R. Tolkien, edited by Christopher Tolkien

Other Nominees:

Go to previous year's nominees: 1988
Go to subsequent year's nominees: 1990

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