
Monday, March 23, 1970

Author - Whitt, David

Birth: I haven't a clue, but somewhere in Nebraska seems like a good bet.

Death: Still alive and writing about modern myth-making.

Comments: David Whitt is an American professor of communications at Nebraska-Wesleyan University and author. He has a B.S. from Wayne State College and an M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Given that he uses a quote from the movie Animal House as his teaching philosophy, I'm guessing that he is a pretty popular guy among his students.

He has coauthored three books concerning mythology and how it relates to modern superheroes and science fiction - Sith, Slayers, Stargates and Cyborgs: Modern Mythology in the New Millennium, Millennial Mythmaking: Essays on the Power of Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature, Films, and Games, and Myth in the Modern World: Essays on Intersections with Ideology and Culture.

My reviews of David Whitt's books:

Other books by David Whitt that I have read but not reviewed:

Essays by David Whitt appearing in works that I have reviewed:
"Whatever You Do, Don't Blink!" found in Doctor Who in Time and Space

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