
Friday, June 19, 1970

Musical Artist - Symphony of Science

Symphony of Science is a musical project created by YouTube user melodysheep using autotune software to create songs about the beauty and power of science using snippets of dialogue from prominent scientists. Some people don't like the sound of autotuned voices, so they may want to steer clear of these offerings, but for those of us who don't mind it, these songs are a wonderful platform for some of the best advocates of science to become unintentional singers and extol the wonder, the mystery, and the passion of the scientific endeavor.

The project has a website titled Symphony of Science.

Musical Monday Selections:

07/02/12: We Are Star Dust
01/24/11: The Big Beginning
10/25/10: The Case for Mars
09/20/10: A Glorious Dawn
03/16/15: Ode to the Brain!
09/17/12: Our Biggest Challenge
01/06/14: Our Place in the Universe
08/25/14: Seize the Day (with Robin Williams)
09/27/10: The Unbroken Thread
11/01/10: A Wave of Reason
11/24/10: We Are All Connected

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