
Monday, November 22, 2010

Musical Monday - We Are All Connected by Symphony of Science

Neil deGrasse Tyson
This is yet another music video made by melodysheep in which clips of scientists talking about the beauty of the universe are set to music and autotune software is used to craft a beautiful song. The song is We Are All Connected, which seems to me to be apropos for Thanksgiving.

Featured in the video are Carl Sagan (from Cosmos), Neil deGrasse Tyson (from The Universe), Richard Feynman (from his 1983 interviews), and Bill Nye (from Bill Nye the Science Guy). Like all of melodysheep's other videos, it is beautiful, inspiring, and illustrates why science should fuel the dreams of the future.

"We are all connected: To each other, biologically, to the earth, chemically, to the rest of the universe atomically" - Neil deGrasse Tyson

"Across the sea of space, the stars are other suns." - Carl Sagan

This song is unavailable on Amazon, but you can acquire it for free (or a donation of your choosing) on the Symphony of Science Collector's Edition.

Previous Musical Monday: Fear the Boom and Bust by EconStories
Subsequent Musical Monday: The Big Beginning by Symphony of Science

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