
Monday, January 24, 2011

Musical Monday - The Big Beginning by Symphony of Science

YouTube user melodysheep has put together another music video in his ongoing Symphony of Science series. This one is titled The Big Beginning and deals with the Big Bang, one of the fundamental questions of science. As with all these videos, melodysheep has used a collection of quotes from scientists plus autotune software to transform interview snippets into a musical piece. As with all of the other Symphony of Science songs, this one is brilliant and sets the poetry of the universe to song. For me, the best section is where Neil deGrasse Tyson explains that if you tune a television to a dead channel, about one percent of the static you see is caused by background radiation left over from the Big Bang. The birth of the Universe visible to us in the common everyday technology we use.

The music video features clips from Stephen Hawking, Richard Dawkins, Carl Sagan, Tara Shears, and Neil deGrasse Tyson drawn from Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking, God, the Universe, and Everything Else, The Universe, NOVA ScienceNOW, Cosmos, and interviews with Richard Dawkins and Tara Shears.

This song is unavailable on Amazon, but you can acquire it for free (or a donation of your choosing) on the Symphony of Science Collector's Edition.

Previous Musical Monday: We Are All Connected by Symphony of Science
Subsequent Musical Monday: She Don't Like Firefly by Mikey Mason

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1 comment:

  1. I love these videos. I can't believe I missed that there is a new one! I'm off to download the mp3.

    The Blue Fairy's Bookshelf
