
Monday, August 12, 2013

Musical Monday - Lasers and Feelings by The Doubleclicks

I'm going to Indianapolis on Wednesday to attend Gen Con. While there, I will be going to two concerts as part of the Con, one to see Five Year Mission perform their Star Trek themed repertoire of songs, and another to see my favorite geeky girl band the Doubleclicks perform their songs celebrating Dungeons & Dragons, apostrophes, velociraptors, and falling in love over modern poetry readings and playing Magic: The Gathering. I love both bands for their wonderful nerdy music, but on the whole, I think I may be looking forward to seeing the Doubleclicks just a tiny bit more.

Lasers and Feelings, like Nothing to Prove, is from the Doubleclicks' latest CD and serves as its title track. The song tells the story of an ordinary person in love with an evil supervillain. In some ways, the story in this song is a somewhat twisted love tale that is more or less the flip side of the twisted love tale told in Jonathan Coulton's Skullcrusher Mountain. As with all of the songs by Angela and Aubrey, Lasers and Feelings is a joyous celebration of nerdity, and the video is a perfect match, especially at the end when it turns out that the terrible villain is actually Angela.

Previous Musical Monday: Fireflies by Owl City
Subsequent Musical Monday: The Mystery's Gone by The Doubleclicks

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