
Friday, January 3, 2014

Book Blogger New Year's Challenge of 2014 - What Books of 2013 Are You Sad You Missed?

What Books of 2013 Are You Sad You Missed?

I really have no idea. As I have mentioned before, I'm just not the type of book blogger who looks forward to new releases. Most of the time, I don't even know what new releases are due out in a given year, and frequently don't notice when something has been published. Mostly because I'm usually reading something that was published thirty or forty years ago, and have a volume of books in my to-be-read pile that makes the amount of gold in Smaug's hoard look tiny by comparison. For example, I think Neil Gaiman published a book in 2013, and if so, I'd like to read it. But on the other hand, I have several Gaiman books in my backlog that I haven't read yet, so I probably would read those first anyway.

Just to be pedantic, I have to question whether one can actually "miss" a book to begin with. For the most part, all of the books that were published in 2013 are still available for me to read, even if I didn't read them in that calendar year. Just like all the books that I have that were published in 1965 are available for me to read whenever I get around to them. I didn't so much "miss" any of the books of 2103, as I simply haven't had the time to enjoy them yet.

Go to Day 2: What Are Your Pros and Cons of Blogging?
Go to Day 4: What Are the Books of 2014 That You Won't Miss?
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  1. You and I are the same wavelength for today's challenge! Good luck with your reading this year.

    1. @Terri M. LeBlanc: Thanks. I didn't read nearly as many books as I wanted to in 2013. I am aiming for at least a hundred in 2014.

  2. I guess there's a lot I actually own that I did not get to because of other priorities in reading. So I was a little sad about that. I will get to them eventually, because I own most of them. :)

    2013 Books I Missed

    1. @Kristen: The pile of unread books that I own is quite substantial, so I am likely to be "behind" on my reading for pretty much the rest of my life.

  3. I'm like you. I don't pay any attention to new releases. Just read what strikes my fancy.

    1. @Julia Rachel Barrett: I just detoured into reading the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series, whose first book was published in 1998, so I'm a bit behind the curve.
