
Monday, June 16, 2014

Musical Monday - This Party Just Took a Turn for the Douche by Garfunkel & Oates

This Musical Monday selection is a little bit of an inside reference, so I'll explain. This past weekend, during a game of Cards Against Humanity, one proposed replacement for currency was AXE Body Spray, which immediately prompted the singing of a few lines from this song. This surprised no one in my gaming group, as any use of the AXE Body Spray card does that. And now it will do so in your gaming group too.

So just sit back and enjoy as Kate Micucci and Riki Lindhome mix references to Truman Capote, Jim Croce, Golda Meir, and Margaret Sanger into lyrics about guys who groom their beards into Bonsai tree shapes, pay a thousand dollars for a bottle of vodka, and yes, wear a lot of AXE Body Spray.

Previous Musical Monday: Cats and Netflix by The Doubleclicks
Previous Musical Monday: Downbound Train by Bruce Springsteen

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