
Monday, August 28, 2017

Musical Monday - The Universe by the Doubleclicks

So, the redhead and I went to see the Doubleclicks in concert this past Sunday. It was Jim's first concert ever. She slept through most of it, but from someone her age that is pretty high praise. They were double-billed with Danielle Ate the Sandwich, which is relevant here because this song is a cover of one of Danielle Ate the Sandwich's songs.

There are so many songs that, even though they are probably really about a romantic relationship, actually work out just as well with respect to having a child. The lyric in this song "I've got all I need right here" is one that really resonates with me right now whenever I have the littlest starship captain and the redhead with me. Given that Jim more or less had such long odds against her very existence, "The Universe is big and wide, and when you least expect it, she provides" seems to be the perfect description of the events that got her to me. Sometimes the Universe works in your favor. Not often, but sometimes.

Previous Musical Monday: Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler
Subsequent Musical Monday: Heaven by Warrant

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