
Saturday, January 4, 2020

Book Blogger Hop January 3rd - January 9th: The Video "3:36" by Poppy Is, Ironically, Only 40 Seconds Long

Jen at Crazy for Books restarted her weekly Book Blogger Hop to help book bloggers connect with one another, but then couldn't continue, so she handed the hosting responsibilities off to Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. The only requirements to participate in the Hop are to write and link a post answering the weekly question and then visit other blogs that are also participating to see if you like their blog and would like to follow them.

This week Billy asks: Do you have any New Year's Blogging Resolutions?

I don't really have any specific blogging-related resolutions other than to keep on blogging and try to blog more often. 2019 was a really trying year for me in several ways, and one of the most apparent ways in which that manifested was in my lack of reading, reviewing, and other blogging. I figure I should be relatively conservative in my ambitions, so as an initial matter I'd like to at least get back to the volume of blogging I was doing in 2018. More than that would be great, but I'm trying to be conservative in my expectations.

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