
Friday, March 30, 2018

Book Blogger Hop March 30th - April 5th: Origen Wrote an Eight Volume Refutation of Celsus' "On the True Doctrine" in 248 A.D. This Is the Only Form in Which Celsus' Work Has Survived

Jen at Crazy for Books restarted her weekly Book Blogger Hop to help book bloggers connect with one another, but then couldn't continue, so she handed the hosting responsibilities off to Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. The only requirements to participate in the Hop are to write and link a post answering the weekly question and then visit other blogs that are also participating to see if you like their blog and would like to follow them.

This week Billy asks: How many book clubs do you belong to? If you do belong to an in-person book club, do you have meetings in the day or evening? Do you meet at someone's house or meet at a local restaurant or coffee house?

As I have mentioned before, I am a member of the Washington Science Fiction Association, which is, among other things, a kind of book club. It technically meets twice a month, on Friday evenings, at one of two houses belonging to members, but I only attend once a month due to the fact that one of the two houses has a lot of pets and they trigger allergic reactions from the Redhead. As a result, we don't go to meeting that are held in that house.

WSFA isn't just a book club, so using it as an answer to this question may be a bit of a stretch, but I figure it is close enough that I'm going to anyway. WFSA is a science fiction club, so really it covers all forms of science fiction and fantasy and not just books, but there is a lot of focus on books and other written fiction. I mean, we also talk a lot about movies, television shows, conventions, genre fiction awards, and a dozen other topics, but the primary focus is usually on books.

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