
Sunday, March 9, 2014

Book Blogger Hop: March 7th - March 13th: The 1745 Jacobite Rebellion Is Called "The '45"

Book Blogger Hop

Jen at Crazy for Books restarted her weekly Book Blogger Hop to help book bloggers connect with one another, but then couldn't continue, so she handed the hosting responsibilities off to Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. The only requirements to participate in the Hop are to write and link a post answering the weekly question and then visit other blogs that are also participating to see if you like their blog and would like to follow them.

This week Elizabeth of Silver's Reviews asks (via Billy): Do you have a schedule set for blogging and reading time? Or do you not have a set time and just let it happen?

The answer to this question depends on how specific one is when referring to a "schedule". I have a broad, loose, and fairly flexible reading and blogging schedule that I have mapped out, but it is so vague in places that calling it a schedule is essentially an insult to the concept of "schedules". I tend to put reading material into categories, and then prioritize which categories to read through, although the only real organizational metric is "my whim". For example, right now, I am working my way through the backlog of magazines that I let build up over the last two years. After that, I'll start pulling books off of  my ARC shelf and clearing out that backlog. And so on. But I'm reading the magazines in no particular order other than "the one that is on top of the stack", and I'll be reading the ARCs in no particular order other than "which book I pulled off the shelf this time." And as I am easily distracted, there is always the very real possibility that I will simply toss this plan aside and read a couple of random books that I pull out of my unread stack because they looked interesting.

As far as posting goes, I have a rough schedule, but once again, the specifics are fairly random. I do a Musical Monday post almost every Monday, but the choice of what music to write about is entirely unplanned, and usually determined on that Monday. I usually post a Follow Friday post every Friday, and a Book Blogger Hop post on Saturday or Sunday, but for obvious reasons the specific topics of the post are not really planned ahead of time. I would like to have a schedule of posting three book reviews a week on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, but a lack of time caused by the vagaries of life often means that I only post one or two reviews a week. I'd like to get on a schedule of posting a Farscape or Star Trek episode review every Sunday, but I haven't been able to get myself that organized yet.

Go to previous Book Blogger Hop: Julius Ceasar Was Assassinated in 44 B.C.

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  1. Great insight! Honestly, I think if I developed a schedule I might have an easier time keeping up with my book blog... :) I hope you don't mind I mentioned you today on my blog:

    1. @Jessica L. Buike: I don't mind at all. I am very flattered that you would think my thoughts worthy of a mention. But I will point out that unlike the vast majority of book bloggers, I am a guy.

    2. I would love to be involved in this my blog is at

      But I'm not sure how to join. I read the above post, but is there a way to enter or a link?


    3. @Micah Ackerman: Yes, there is a link in the post to the blog of Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer (links show up in purple text). Alternatively, you can use this direct link to this week's hop question, which is updated every Friday. Once you're there, just follow the instructions given in the post, and you're participating.
