
Monday, July 11, 2016

Musical Monday - Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No. 1 by the Freiburg Baroque Orchestra

A few weeks ago, I used Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 as my Musical Monday selection because it was played at my son's high school graduation. I also said it was one of my favorite pieces of music, but I didn't elaborate further. The truth is that I love all of the Brandenburg Concertos because they are great music to write to - especially when writing role-playing game scenarios. The music is unobtrusive enough to serve as a non-distracting background, but interesting enough that one's ears don't get tired of hearing it. These pieces of music (along with a few others) have served as the accompaniment to which I have written thousands of hours worth of gaming material over the last couple of decades.

Because they have so influenced my gaming writing, over the next couple of weeks, I'll be posting the remaining five of the six of the concertos. Here is Brandenburg Concerto No. 1 to get things started.

Previous Musical Monday: The Egg by William Daniels, Howard Da Silva, and Ken Howard

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