
Saturday, February 25, 2017

Book Blogger Hop February 24th - March 2nd: The U.S. Navy Said That the Ship T-AG-193, Also Known as the Glomar Explorer, Was for Deep Sea Drilling

Jen at Crazy for Books restarted her weekly Book Blogger Hop to help book bloggers connect with one another, but then couldn't continue, so she handed the hosting responsibilities off to Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. The only requirements to participate in the Hop are to write and link a post answering the weekly question and then visit other blogs that are also participating to see if you like their blog and would like to follow them.

This week Billy asks: How do you feel about books with multiple narrators?

If done well, I quite like books with multiple narrators. One of my favorite classic works of literature is Faulkner's As I Lay Dying, which rather famously rotates between multiple narrators over the course of its story. I am currently reading a novel - Kameron Hurley's The Stars Are Legion - that has multiple narrators. Actually, more than one of Hurley's books are told from multiple points of view. This is a technique that George R.R. Martin has used in his Song of Ice and Fire series, and Tolkien used in The Lord of the Rings. In the hands of a capable author, using multiple narrators is a technique that can really make a book into something really special.

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