
Monday, March 27, 2017

Musical Monday - Pregnant Women Are Smug by Garfunkel & Oates

So, she's really on her way. I mean, I already knew she was coming, but so often it seems kind of abstract at the point, and there's nothing like photographs to remind you of the reality of the fact that she'll be here in August. The redhead had her twenty week ultrasound today, and as a result, I have several new pictures of my impending daughter. She waved, tried to eat her foot, and rolled over for us. She's perfect and adorable, and I can't wait until she is here.

Despite the song, the redhead isn't really smug. At least she's not any more smug than she is at any other time. She is, however, really quite tired all the time, which is pretty much to be expected. I don't think she has told anyone that she doesn't remember what she did before she was pregnant because it all seems so meaningless now, mostly because she currently spending a lot of time complaining about how annoying being pregnant is and looking forward to the end of the process. The song by Garfunkel & Oates is still hilarious though.

Previous Musical Monday: Johnny B. Goode by Chuck Berry
Subsequent Musical Monday: Chicken Attack by the Gregory Brothers featuring Takeo Ishii

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