
Monday, November 17, 2014

Musical Monday - The Final Countdown by Melo-M

With lyrics about boarding a starship and heading for Venus coupled with a made for a sports montage keyboard riff, The Final Countdown was already a fairly nerdy song when Europe first recorded it in 1986, but the song's true destiny was realized when a trio of long-haired Latvian cellists recorded their own instrumental cover version. There is simply something perfect about the transformation of this synthesizer and guitar metal song into an orchestra and cello metal song. because there is no way to describe Melo-M's version as anything other than metal in suits played with classical instruments. Before they recorded this, I would not have thought this were possible, and even if I had believed it possible, I would have not thought it would be any good. And yet it is sublime in its utterly brilliant nerdiness.

Previous Musical Monday: Star Trekkin' by The Firm
Subsequent Musical Monday: Not Very Musical at All Today

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