
Monday, August 15, 2016

Musical Monday - Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 by the Freiburg Baroque Orchestra

The redhead and I will be attending Worldcon this week. Or more specifically, we will be attending MidAmeriCon II in Kansas City, which is the host for this year's Worldcon. This will be the first time for either of us to actually attend Worldcon, although I have been a supporting member for a number of years. We've mapped out our schedule, and it looks like a fantastic time - we're planning on going to panels to see many of our favorite authors discuss what look to be interesting topics. We're planning on going to see Paul & Storm perform, and I have a meetup scheduled to get together with a number of people who I have met online. I've got a pile of books to bring with me to take to the author signings, and the redhead made us new outfits to wear to the Hugo Award ceremony.

But as good as that all sounds, what usually makes or breaks a convention are the unplanned and unexpected things that happen: Sitting at the bar with a collection of authors talking for an hour. Sitting in between three Nebula nominated authors at a book launch party while they talk about their latest projects, running into some old friends who introduce you to new friends so that you can all figure out how to play a game that no one has heard of before, panelists throwing the topic of discussion aside and talking about something that is both unexpected and more interesting. These are the sorts of things that make conventions memorable, and I'm hoping for such serendipity to strike this week at Worldcon.

In the meantime, I'll just sit back and listen to some more of Bach's brilliant music.

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