
Sunday, November 3, 2013

2013 World Fantasy Award Nominees

Location: World Fantasy Convention, Brighton, United Kingdom.

Comments: From my perspective, the most notable thing that happened at the 2013 World Fantasy Awards is that Susan Cooper received a Lifetime Achievement Award. Along with J.R.R. Tolkien and Lloyd Alexander, Cooper was one of the authors that I read during my formative years who transformed me into a fantasy fiction fan. Along with Alexander, Cooper's fiction introduced me to, and stoked my love for British mythology, notably the mythology of Cornwall and Wales that intersects with the myths and legends concerning King Arthur and his knights. None of Cooper's individual works were ever nominated for a World Fantasy Award, partially because much of her writing was done before the awards existed, and partially because her writing is classified as young adult fiction, a category that the World Fantasy Awards pretty much systemically ignore, so seeing her recognized for her impressive body of work is extremely gratifying.

Best Novel

Alif the Unseen by G. Willow Wilson

Other Nominees:
Crandolin by Anna Tambour
The Drowning Girl by Caitlín R. Kiernan
The Killing Moon by N.K. Jemisin
Some Kind of Fairy Tale by Graham Joyce

Best Novella

Let Maps to Others by K.J. Parker

Other Nominees:
The Emperor's Soul by Brandon Sanderson
Hand of Glory by Laird Barron
The Skull by Lucius Shepard
Sky by Kaaron Warren

Best Short Fiction

The Telling by Gregory Norman Bossert

Other Nominees:
Breaking the Frame by Kat Howard
The Castle that Jack Built by Emily Gilman
A Natural History of Autumn by Jeffrey Ford
Swift, Brutal Retaliation by Meghan McCarron

Best Anthology

Postscripts #28/#29: Exotic Gothic 4 edited by Danel Olson

Other Nominees:
Epic: Legends of Fantasy edited by John Joseph Adams
Magic: An Anthology of the Esoteric and Arcane edited by Jonathan Oliver
Three Messages and a Warning: Contemporary Mexican Short Stories of the Fantastic edited by Eduardo Jiménez Mayo and Chris N. Brown
Under My Hat: Tales from the Cauldron edited by Jonathan Strahan

Best Collection

Where Furnaces Burn by Joel Lane

Other Nominees:
At the Mouth of the River of Bees by Kij Johnson
Jagannath: Stories by Karin Tidbeck
Remember Why You Fear Me by Robert Shearman
The Unreal and the Real: Selected Stories Volume One: Where on Earth and Volume Two: Outer Space, Inner Lands by Ursula K. Le Guin

Lifetime Achievement

Susan Cooper
Tanith Lee

Other Nominees:

Best Artist

Vincent Chong

Other Nominees:
Didier Graffet and Dave Senior
Kathleen Jennings
J.K. Potter
Chris Roberts

Special Award, Professional

Lucia Graves

Other Nominees:
Peter Crowther and Nicky Crowther
Adam Mills, Ann VanderMeer, and Jeff VanderMeer
Brett Alexander Savory, and Sandra Kasturi
William K. Schafer

Special Award, Non-Professional

S.T. Joshi

Other Nominees:
Scott H. Andrews
L. Timmel Duchamp
Charles Tan
Jerad Walters
Joseph Wrzos

Go to previous year's nominees: 2012
Go to subsequent year's nominees: 2014

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