
Monday, November 4, 2013

Musical Monday - The Battle of Evermore by Heart

I'll start off by saying that yes, The Battle of Evermore is a Led Zeppelin song, and I definitely will be posting a version of this song by them as a future Musical Monday. But most videos of the concert version of this song done by Led Zeppelin are of poor quality, or have other problems, so I have not settled on which one I want to use. So instead, I am posting a version of this song by what is probably the premiere band for producing cover versions of Led Zeppelin songs: Heart.

In the mouths of the Wilson sisters, this song's lyrics soar to even greater heights than they did in the original recording. The tale of an epic battle between light and dark featuring the Queen of Light, the Prince of Peace, the Dark Lord, angels from Avalon, and the ringwraiths riding in black is brilliant when sung by Robert Plant and Sandy Denny, but it takes on a new dimension when Ann and Nancy get their hands on it. Plant's Celtic-tinged Tolkienian-inspired story takes on an even more otherworldly tone in this rendition, a feat that I would not have thought possible before I heard it performed.

Previous Musical Monday: Wonder (Wonder Woman Song) by The Doubleclicks
Subsequent Musical Monday: Cortège by Cecil Coles

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