
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Challenge - 2013 Science Fiction Experience Challenge

It appears that Curiosity Killed the Bookworm, which hosted the 2012 Sci-Fi Challenge is moving on to other challenges. To fill this void, I have turned to Carl of Stainless Steel Droppings and his 2013 Science Fiction Experience, which isn't a challenge, or a competition, but seems to work more or less like other book reading challenges in every way but tone and the fact that Carl has opened up the range of options to include not only science fiction books, but also science fiction television and movies. Which means that the various movies such as Logan's Run, and episodes of Farscape, Star Trek, and Babylon 5, that I will be reviewing are going to be listed here too.

The 2013 Science Fiction Experience:

Other 2013 Challenges:
100+ Books in a Year for 2013 Challenge
The 2013 Graphic Novels Challenge
Dystopia 2013 Challenge

2013 Challenges     Home


  1. You make a good choice joining the Sci Fi Experience! I always have a good time with Carl's not-challenges. :)

  2. @Cheryl: It looks like a really great non-challenge. I'm really looking forward to participating.
