
Monday, December 31, 1973

1973 Locus Award Nominees

Location: Unknown.

Comments: The most pervasive form of sexism is subtle. Sexism does not prosper because women are barred from entry into men's clubs or similar overt exclusionary practices. No, sexism prospers because it lurks unseen until you start examining things closely. In 1973, the slate of Locus Award nominees was biased heavily in favor of male writers. Even so, a couple of works by women were nominated in the fiction categories, and those works placed at least reasonably well. So one might think that the balance was slowly tilting more towards equality.

But if one looks at the lists of nominated anthologies, one might notice the complete lack of any female editors. Male authors who were at best moderately successful as authors seem to have been routinely asked to edit anthologies, but even the most successful female authors were excluded from this role. In effect, when the time came for publishers to select editors for their anthologies, they seem to have simply bypassed women. If you asked the publishers, they likely would have said that they were in favor of women's equality, and they probably didn't exclude women intentionally, but the effect is still the same as if they had. This is how sexism persists.

Best Novel
1.   The Gods Themselves by Isaac Asimov

Other Nominees:
2.   The Book of Skulls by Robert Silverberg
3.   Dying Inside by Robert Silverberg
4.   When H.A.R.L.I.E. Was One by David Gerrold
5.   A Choice of Gods by Clifford D. Simak
6.   The Sheep Look Up by John Brunner
7.   There Will Be Time by Poul Anderson
8.   The Listeners by James E. Gunn
9.   The Guns of Avalon by Roger Zelazny
10 The Iron Dream by Norman Spinrad
11. The Fifth Head of Cerberus by Gene Wolfe
12. What Entropy Means to Me by George Alec Effinger
13. The Pritcher Mass by Gordon R. Dickson
14. The Brave, Free Men by Jack Vance
15. Deryni Checkmate by Katherine Kurtz
16. Beyond Apollo by Barry N. Malzberg
17. (tie) Other Days, Other Eyes by Bob Shaw
      (tie) A Transatlantic Tunnel, Hurrah! (aka Tunnel Through the Deeps) by Harry Harrison
19. Yesterday's Children by David Gerrold
20. The Castle Keeps by andrew j. offutt
21. Beyond the Resurrection by Gordon Eklund

Best Novella
1.   The Gold at the Starbow's End by Frederik Pohl

Other Nominees:
2.   The Word for World Is Forest by Ursula K. Le Guin (reviewed in The Hugo Winners, Volume 3, Book 2)
3.   The Fifth Head of Cerberus by Gene Wolfe
4.   Hero by Joe Haldeman
5.   Midsummer Century by James Blish
6.   With the Bentfin Boomer Boys on Little Old New Alabama by Richard A. Lupoff
7.   The Merchants of Venus by Frederik Pohl
8.   Things Which are Caesar's by Gordon R. Dickson
9.   334 by Thomas M. Disch
10. Seventy Years of DecPop by Philip José Farmer
11. What Good Is a Glass Dagger? by Larry Niven
12. The Mercenary by Jerry Pournelle
13. (tie) Collision Course by S. Kye Boult
      (tie) Common Denominator by David Lewis
      (tie) Solo Kill by S. Kye Boult
16. Love is a Dragonfly by Thomas Burnett Swann
17. In the Ocean of Night by Gregory Benford
18. Son of the Morning by Phyllis Gotlieb

Best Short Story
1.   Basilisk by Harlan Ellison

Other Nominees:
2.    Patron of the Arts by William Rotsler
3.   Goat Song by Poul Anderson (reviewed in The Hugo Winners, Volume 3, Book 2)
4.   And I Awoke and Found Me Here on the Cold Hill's Side by James Tiptree, Jr.
5.   A Kingdom by the Sea by Gardner Dozois
6.   When It Changed by Joanna Russ
7.   The Second Kind of Loneliness by George R.R. Martin
8.   Painwise by James Tiptree, Jr.
9.   The Meeting by Frederik Pohl and Cyril M. Kornbluth) (reviewed in The Hugo Winners, Volume 3, Book 2)
10. The Funeral by Kate Wilhelm
11. Man's Reach by Anthony Boucher
12. Caliban by Robert Silverberg
13. On the Downhill Side by Harlan Ellison
14. (tie) Nobody's Home by Joanna Russ
      (tie) When We Went to See the End of the World by Robert Silverberg
      (tie) The Big Space Fuck by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
      (tie) Eurema's Dam by R.A. Lafferty (reviewed in The Hugo Winners, Volume 3, Book 2)
      (tie) The Milk of Paradise by James Tiptree, Jr.
      (tie) (Now+n), (Now-n) by Robert Silverberg

Best Original Anthology
1.   Again, Dangerous Visions edited by Harlan Ellison

Other Nominees:
2.   Universe 2 edited by Terry Carr
3.   New Dimensions II edited by Robert Silverberg
4.   Orbit 10 edited by Damon Knight
5.   Nova 2 edited by Harry Harrison
6.   Orbit 11 edited by Damon Knight
7.   Generation edited by David Gerrold
8.   Infinity Four edited by Robert Hoskins
9.   The Day the Sun Stood Still edited by Robert Silverberg
10. Clarion II edited by Robin Scott Wilson
11. New Worlds Quarterly #4 edited by Michael Moorcock
12. New Worlds Quarterly #3 edited by Michael Moorcock
13. Infinity Three edited by Robert Hoskins
14. And Walk Now Gently Through the Fire edited by Roger Elwood
15. New Writings in SF 21 edited by Ted Carnell

Best Reprint Anthology or Collection
1.   The Best Science Fiction of the Year edited by Terry Carr

Other Nominees:
2.   The 1972 Annual World's Best SF edited by Donald A. Wollheim with Arthur W. Saha
3.   A Science Fiction Argosy edited by Damon Knight
4.   Alpha Three edited by Robert Silverberg
5.   The Early Asimov by Isaac Asimov
6.   The Gold at the Starbow's End by Frederik Pohl
7.   Best Science Fiction for 1972 edited by Frederik Pohl
8.  (tie) The Hugo Winners, Volumes 1 & 2 edited by Isaac Asimov
     (tie) The Wind from the Sun by Arthur C. Clarke
10. A Day in the Life edited by Gardner Dozois
11. Best SF: 1971 edited by Harry Harrison and Brian Aldiss
12. First Person, Peculiar by T.L. Sherred
13. (tie) The Astounding-Analog Reader, Volume One edited by Harry Harrison and Brian Aldiss
      (tie) Nebula Award Stories Seven edited by Lloyd Biggle, Jr.
      (tie) Strange Doings by R.A. Lafferty

Best Magazine
1.   Fantasy & Science Fiction

Other Nominees:
2.   Analog
3.   Amazing Stories
4.   Galaxy
5.   Fantastic
6.   If
7.   Orbit
8.   Universe
9.   New Dimensions
10. New Worlds Quarterly
11. Infinity

Best Fanzine
1.   Locus

Other Nominees:
2.   Energumen
3.   Algol
4.   SF Commentary
5.   Granfalloon
6.   Richard E. Geis
7.   Outworlds
8.   Speculation
9.   Yandro
10. Luna
11. Riverside Quarterly
12. Nyctalops
13. (tie) Amra
      (tie) ERB-dom
15. Title
16. Is
17. Moebius Trip
18. Extrapolation
19. Starling

Best Fan Writer
1.   Terry Carr

Other Nominees:
2.   Dick Geis
3.   Charlie Brown
4.   Harry Warner, Jr.
5.   Tony Lewis
6.   Sandra Miesel
7.   Paul Walker
8.   Bruce Gillespie
9.   Jack Gaughan
10. Rosemary Ullyot
11. Susan Glicksohn
12. Dave Hartwell
13. Mike Glicksohn
14. Buck Coulson
15. Ted White
16. John Bangsund

Best Book Publisher
1.   Ballantine

Other Nominees:
2.   DAW
3.   Doubleday
4.   Ace
5.   Science Fiction Book Club
6.   NAL/Signet
7.   Scribners
8.   Berkley
9.   Lancer
10. Putnam
11. Avon
12. Harper & Row
13. Arkham House
14. Mirage Press

Best Paperback Cover Artist
1.   Frank Kelly Freas

Other Nominees:
2.   Gene Szafran
3.   (tie) Jack Gaughan
      (tie) Frank Frazetta
5.   Jeff Jones
6.   Dean Ellis
7.   Paul Lehr
8.   George Barr
9.   Vincent Di Fate
10. Gervasio Gallardo
11. Karel Thole
12. Tim Kirk
13. John Schoenherr
14. Bob Pepper
15. Leo Dillon and Diane Dillon
16. John Berkey
17. David Johnston
18. Richard Powers

Best Magazine Artist
1.   Frank Kelly Freas

Other Nominees:
2.   John Schoenherr
3.   Jack Gaughan
4.   Vincent Di Fate
5.   Mike Hinge
6.   Jeff Jones
7.   Gahan Wilson
8.   Mike Kaluta
9.   David Hardy
10. Leo Summers
11. Don Davis
12. Ron Walotsky
13. Vaughn Bodé
14. (tie) Ed Emsh
      (tie) Leo Dillon and Diane Dillon
16. Bert Tanner
17. Brian Boyle

Best Fan Artist
1.   Bill Rotsler

Other Nominees:
2.   Tim Kirk
3.   Grant Canfield
4.   Alicia Austin
5.   Vincent Di Fate
6.   Arthur Thomson
7.   George Barr
8.   Jim McLeod
9.   Helmut Pesch
10. Jack Gaughan
11. Steve Fabian
12. Steve Stiles
13. James Shull
14. Mike Gilbert

Go to previous year's nominees: 1972
Go to subsequent year's nominees: 1974

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