Sunday, December 25, 2016

2002 Hugo Longlist

The 2002 Hugo Awards were mostly notable for the inclusion of the one-time category of "Best Website", which was promptly won by Locus Online, the internet arm of Locus magazine. The interesting thing about this category is how it shows what a chaotic time the early 2000s were for the internet. Of the other finalists in this category, one - SciFi.Com - has basically disappeared, while another - SF Site - has been reduced to only the most intermittent updates. When one looks at the longlisted nominees, it appears that four have gone out of existence - including the website associated with the show Made in Canada, which seems mildly surprising. Some longlisted nominees are somewhat odd, such as the nomination for The Official Website of Battlefield Earth. I know that Scientologists have a propensity to try to stuff the ballot boxes at the Hugos, but was that really one of the fifteen best science fiction related websites in 2001? Both of the longlisted nominees SF Weekly and SciFiction were once online publications put out by the SciFi Channel, and like SciFi.Com, they have been swallowed up and had their existence more or less erased from the internet.

The fact that several of the websites that made it to the list of finalists or the longlist of nominees have ceased to exist is interesting, but no more so than the fact that a number of semiprozines and fanzines that were nominated years ago have gone out of existence since then. What is interesting is the wide array of types of websites that received nominations. The sites ranged from what were essentially online fanzines, to the official sites of television shows or other science fiction properties, to a clearinghouse for online fiction, to internet archives, to a podcast. It seems that the voters had a widely varied idea of what "Best Website" meant, and to be perfectly honest, the category description didn't give much guidance. Given the extreme diversity of the websites that were nominated, it seems like it would have been an almost impossible task to compare them to one another in any kind of reasonable manner, and so it was probably for the best that the category was not continued beyond this one year.

Best Novel

American Gods by Neil Gaiman [winner]
The Chronoliths by Robert Charles Wilson
Cosmonaut Keep by Ken MacLeod
Curse of Chalion by Lois McMaster Bujold
Passage by Connie Willis
Perdido Street Station by China Miéville

Longlisted Nominees:
Declare by Tim Powers
Deepsix by Jack McDevitt
Nekropolis by Maureen F. McHugh
The Other Wind by Ursula K. Le Guin
The Outpost by Mike Resnick
Point of Dreams by Melissa Scott and Lisa A. Barnett
Return to the Whorl by Gene Wolfe
Revelation Space by Alastair Reynolds
The Skies of Pern by Anne McCaffrey
Spherical Harmonic by Catherine Asaro
Thief of Time by Terry Pratchett

Best Novella

The Chief Designer by Andy Duncan
The Diamond Pit by Jack Dann
Fast Times at Fairmont High by Vernor Vinge [winner]
May Be Some Time by Brenda W. Clough
Stealing Alabama by Allen M. Steele

Longlisted Nominees:
Bug Out! by Michael Burstein and Shane Tourtelotte
The Caravan from Troon by Kage Baker
deck.halls@boughs/holly by Connie Willis
Eternity and Afterward by Lucius Shepherd
The Finder by Ursula K. Le Guin
Great Wall of Mars by Alastair Reynolds
The Last Hero by Terry Pratchett
New Light and the Drake Equation by Ian R. MacLeod
Saturday Night Yams at Minnie and Earl's by Adam-Troy Castro
Shady Lady by R. Garcia y Robertson
View Point by Gene Wolfe
Yesterday's Tomorrows by Kate Wilhelm

Best Novelette

The Days Between by Allen M. Steele
Hell Is the Absence of God by Ted Chiang [winner]
Lobsters by Charles Stross
The Return of Spring by Shane Tourtelotte
Undone by James Patrick Kelly

Longlisted Nominees
And No Such Things Grow Here by Nancy Kress
Computer Virus by Nancy Kress
Have Not Have by Geoff Ryman
Into Greenwood by Jim Grimsley
Isabel of the Fall by Ian R. MacLeod
The Measure of All Things by Richard Chwedyk
Mirror by Robert Reed
The Old Rugged Cross by Terry Bisson
The Quijote Robot by Robert Sheckley
Troubadour by Charles Stross

Best Short Story

The Bones of the Earth by Ursula K. Le Guin
The Dog Said Bow-Wow by Michael Swanwick [winner]
The Ghost Pit by Stephen Baxter
Old MacDonald Had a Farm by Mike Resnick
Spaceships by Michael Burstein

Longlisted Nominees
Cold Calculations by Michael Burstein
Cut by Megan Lindholm
In Glory Like Their Star by Gene Wolfe
The Great Miracle by Michael Burstein
Incognita, Inc. by Harlan Ellison
The Infodict by James van Pelt
Interview: On Any Given Day by Maureen F. McHugh
Magpie by Meredith Simmons
Senator Bilbo by Andy Duncan
Whisper by Ray Vukcevich

Best Related Work

The Art of Chesley Bonestell by Ron Miller and Frederick C. Durant, III; with Melvin H. Schuetz [winner]
The Art of Richard Powers by Jane Frank
Being Gardner Dozois by Michael Swanwick
I Have This Nifty Idea, Now What Do I Do With It? edited by Mike Resnick
J.R.R.Tolkien: Author of the Century by Tom Shippey
L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Volume XVII edited by Algis Budrys [ineligible]
Meditations on Middle-Earth edited by Karen Haber

Longlisted Nominees:
Dark Dreamers: Facing the Masters of Fear by Stanley Wiater and Beth Gwinn
The DC Comics Guide to Writing Comics by Dennis O'Neill
Deep Future by Stephen Baxter
Fantasy of the 20th Century by Randy Broecher
Paradox: The Art of Stephen Youll by Stephen Youll
Spectrum 8: The Best in Contemporary Fantasy Art edited by Arnie Fenner and Cathy Fenner
Sticks and Bones: The Troublesome Success of Children's Literature by Jack Zipes
The Time Machines: The Story of the Science Fiction Pulp Magazines from the Beginning to 1950 by Mike Ashley
What If Our World Is Their Heaven? The Final Conversations of Philip K. Dick edited by Gwen Lee and Doris Elaine Sauter
Which Way to the Future? by Stanley Schmidt

Best Dramatic Presentation

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Once More, With Feeling
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring [winner]
Monsters, Inc.

Longlisted Nominees:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Body
The Dish
Enterprise: Broken Bow

Farscape: Revenging Angel
Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius
The Mists of Avalon
Moulin Rouge
The Mummy Returns
The Others

Best Professional Editor

Ellen Datlow [winner]
Gardner Dozois
Patrick Nielsen Hayden
Stanley Schmidt
Gordon van Gelder

Longlisted Nominees:
Algis Budrys
Laura Anne Gilman
David G. Hartwell
Warren Lapine
Shawna McCarthy
Beth Meacham
Mary Anne Mohanraj
David Pringle
Ian Randal Strock
Terry Windling

Best Professional Artist

Jim Burns
Bob Eggleton
Frank Kelly Freas
Donato Giancola
Michael Whelan [winner]

Longlisted Nominees:
Thomas Canty
David Cherry
Vincent Di Fate
Phil Foglio
Steven Hickman
Paul Kidby
Tom Kidd
John Jude Pelancar
Sergey Poyarkov
Stephen Youll

Best Semi-Prozine

Absolute Magnitude edited by Warren Lapine
Interzone edited by David Pringle
Locus edited by Charles N. Brown [winner]
The New York Review of Science Fiction edited by Kathryn Cramer, David G. Hartwell, and Kevin Maroney
Science Fiction Chronicle edited by Warren Lapine [ineligible]
Speculations edited by Susan Fry

Longlisted Nominees:
Artemis edited by Ian Randal Strock
Cemetery Dance edited by Richard Chizmar
Dreams of Decadence edited by Angela Kessler
Fantastic Stories edited by Ed McFadden
Foundation edited by Paul March-Russell
On Spec edited by Diane Walton
Spectrum SF edited by Paul Fraser
Talebones edited by Patrick Swenson and Honna Swenson
The Third Alternative edited by Andy Cox
Weird Tales edited by Darrell Schweitzer and George Scithers

Best Fanzine

Ansible edited by David Langford [winner]
Challenger edited by Guy Lillian, III
File 770 edited by Mike Glyer
Mimosa edited by Richard Lynch and Nickie Lynch
Plokta edited by Alison Scott, Steve Davis, and Mike Scott

Longlisted Nominees:
Baryon edited by Barry Hunter
Bento edited by David D. Levine and Kate Yule
The Devniad edited by Bob Devney
Emerald City edited by Cheryl Morgan
Fosfax edited by Timothy Lane and Elizabeth Garrott
Knarley Knews edited by Henry L. Welch
Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet edited by Gavin Grant and Kelly Link
Memphen edited by Greg Bridges
Science Fiction Five Yearly edited by Lee Hoffman, Geri Sullivan, Jeff Schalles, and Terry Hughes
Tangent Online edited by David Truesdale
Twink edited by E.B. Frohvet

Best Fan Writer

Jeff Berkwits
Bob Devney
John L. Flynn
Mike Glyer
Dave Langford [winner]
Steven Silver

Longlisted Nominees:
John Hertz
Arthur Hlavaty
Richard Horton
Evelyn Leeper
David D. Levine
Guy Lillian, III
Cheryl Morgan
Teresa Nielsen Hayden
Jo Walton

Best Fan Artist

Sheryl Birkhead
Brad Foster
Teddy Harvia [winner]
Sue Mason
Frank Wu

Longlisted Nominees:
Freddie Baer
Kurt Ericksen
Alexis Gilliland
Julia Morgan-Scott
Bill Neville
Steve Stiles
Taral Wayne
D. West
Alan White
Charles Williams

Best Website

Locus Online, webmaster Mark R. Kelly [winner]
SciFi.Com, executive producer Craig Engler
SF Site, publisher and managing editor Rodger Turner
Strange Horizons, edited by Mary Anne Mohanraj
Tangent Online, senior editor David Truesdale, webmaster Tobias Buckell

Longlisted Nominees:

Emerald City edited by Cheryl Morgan
The Fanac Fan History Project, webmaster Edie Stern, published by Steve Pendergrast
Internet Speculative Fiction Database, published by Al von Ruff
Made in Canada
The Official Battlefield Earth Website
SciFi Dimensions edited by John C. Snider
SciFiction edited by Ellen Datlow
SF Revu edited by Gayle Surette
SF Weekly edited by Craig Engler and Brooks Peck
SFF Net, owned by Jeffrey Dwight
Speculations, published by Kent Brewster
Writers of the

John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer

Tobias S. Buckell
Alex Irvine
Wen Spencer
Jo Walton [winner]
Ken Wharton

Longlisted Nominees:
Carol Berg
James Cambias
Jacqueline Carey
Cecilia Dart-Thornton
Charles Coleman Finlay
Alan DeNiro
Michael J. Jasper
Mindy L. Klasky
John Ringo
Carrie Vaughn

Go to previous year's longlist: 2001
Go to subsequent year's longlist: 2003

Go to 2002 Hugo Finalists and Winners

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