In 1979, TSR published the first
Dungeon Master's Guide to be used for playing
Dungeons & Dragons. While most of the book consisted of fairly arcane rules for playing the game and advice of varying usefulness for new Dungeon Masters, tucked into the back of the book in a section labeled Appendix N was a list of inspirational reading. This list was not a comprehensive array of fantasy fiction as it stood at the time the book was published: That is readily apparent when one considers the rather notable omissions from the list, such as Lloyd Alexander, Terry Brooks, Patricia McKillip, and Ursula K. Le Guin. The list was, instead, a collection of works that were personal favorites of Gary Gygax, and from all indications were the books that he had grown up loving, as the original list was heavy on pulp fiction that had been published prior to 1970, and quite light on any other fiction. The list was fairly substantial, with some consisting of a recommendation list of one or more books, and others suggesting an entire series of books. Several entries simply consisted of an author's name, with the implied suggestion that almost any of their works would be suitable.

In 2014, with the release of the 5th edition of
Dungeons & Dragons, Wizards of the Coast included an updated version of Appendix N with the new game. Positioning the new list in Appendix E of the new
Player's Handbook, the creators of the game took all of the suggestions that had been on Gygax's original list in 1979, and added a wide array of new ones. In some cases. the new additions consisted of books that had not yet been published in 1979, such as books by N.K. Jemisin, Pat Rothfuss, or Gene Wolfe. In others, the new additions were to cure oversights caused by Gygax's somewhat idiosyncratic reading tastes, which resulted in authors such as Thomas Bulfinch and Clark Ashton Smith being added to the list. For the most part, the new list gave specific suggestions rather than general nods towards authors. Authors like Anre Norton, Stanley Weinbaum, and Manly Wade Wellman, who had been simply listed as a general recommendation in 1979, had specific works singled out in the new list. In many cases, the new list recommends an entire series, and some of these series are quite lengthy. For example, the new list recommends Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels, which is a recommendation that amounts to more than forty novels. The list also recommends R.A. Salvatore's Legend of Driz'zt series, which currently consists of two dozen novels. The net result is that the new list is enormous.
Below I have listed all of the authors found in Appendix E, along with all of the works mentioned for them, including, as best I can determine, all of the books that are part of any series they wrote that was recommended. I have also listed whether they first appeared in Appendix N or Appendix E, and if they appear in both, what the differences in their entries are, if any. I have read many of these books. I have already reviewed some of them. My goal is to read and review all of them. I believe that some of the recommendations in Appendix E are incomplete. In those cases, I may end up supplementing the list provided by Wizards of the Coast with some additional material, noting where I have done so along the way.
Ahmed, Saladin
Saladin Ahmed is new to Appendix E, and did not appear in Appendix N.
Throne of the Crescent Moon
Alexander, Lloyd
Lloyd Alexander is new to Appendix E, and did not appear in Appendix N. His entry in Appendix E recommends
The Book of Three and the rest of the
Chronicles of Prydain series.
The Book of Three
The Black Cauldron
The Castle of Llyr
Taran Wanderer
The High King
The Foundling and Other Tales of Prydain
Anderson, Poul
Poul Anderson appeared in Appendix N, with these exact three books recommended.
The Broken Sword
The High Crusade
Three Hearts and Three Lions
Anthony, Piers
Piers Anthony is new to Appendix E, and did not appear in Appendix N. His entry in Appendix E recommends
Split Infinity and the rest of the
Apprentice Adept series.
Split Infinity
Blue Adept
Out of Phaze
Robot Adept
Unicorn Point
Phaze Doubt
Augusta, Lady Gregory
Lady Gregory Augusta is new to Appendix E, and did not appear in Appendix N.
Gods and Fighting Men
Bear, Elizabeth
Elizabeth Bear is new to Appendix E, and did not appear in Appendix N. Her entry in Appendix E recommends
Range of Ghosts and the rest of the
Eternal Sky trilogy.
Range of Ghosts
Shattered Pillars
Steles of the Sky
Bellairs, John
John Bellairs appeared in Appendix N with this singular recommendation.
The Face in the Frost
Brackett, Leigh
Leigh Brackett appeared in Appendix N as a general recommendation with no specific works singled out as being more notable than others. Appendix E gave these three recommendations.
The Best of Leigh Brackett
The Long Tomorrow
The Sword of Rhiannon
Brooks, Terry
Terry Brooks is new to Appendix E, and did not appear in Appendix N. His entry in Appendix E recommends
The Sword of Shannara and the rest of the
Shannara novels.
The Sword of Shannara
The Elfstones of Shannara
The Wishsong of Shannara
The Scions of Shannara
The Druid of Shannara
The Elf Queen of Shannara
The Talismans of Shannara
First King of Shannara
Running With the Demon
A Knight of the Word
Angel Fire East
Ilse Witch
Jarka Ruus
Armageddon's Children
The Elves of Cintra
The Gypsy Morph
Bearers of the Black Staff
The Measure of the Magic
The Wards of Faerie
Bloodfire Quest
Witch Wraith
Allanon's Quest
The Weapon Masters Choice
The Black Irix
The High Druid's Blade
The Darkling Child
Brown, Fredric
Fredric Brown appeared in Appendix N as a general recommendation with no specific works singled out as being more notable than others. Appendix E gave these two recommendations.
Hall of Mirrors
What Mad Universe
Bulfinch, Thomas
Thomas Bulfinch is new to Appendix E, and did not appear in Appendix N.
Bulfinch's Mythology
Burroughs, Edgar Rice
Edgar Rice Burroughs appeared in Appendix N. Appendix N and Appendix E both recommend his
Pellucidar series, his
Venus series, and his
Barsoom series, all three of which are listed here. Appendix E specifically recommends
At the Earth's Core,
Pirates of Venus, and
A Princess of Mars.
At the Earth's Core
Tanar of Pellucidar
Tarzan at the Earth's Core
Back to the Stone Age
Land of Terror
Savage Pellucidar
Mahars of Pellucidar
Pirates of Venus
Lost on Venus
Carson of Venus
Escape on Venus
The Wizard of Venus
A Princess of Mars
The Gods of Mars
The Warlord of Mars
Thuvia, Maid of Mars
The Chessmen of Mars
The Master Mind of Mars
A Fighting Man of Mars
Swords of Mars
Synthetic Men of Mars
Llana of Gathol
John Carter of Mars
Carter, Lin
Lin Carter appeared in Appendix N. Both Appendix N and Appendix E recommend his
World's End series. Appendix E specifically recommends
The Warrior of World's End.
The Warrior of World's End
The Enchantress of World's End
The Immortal of World's End
The Barbarian of World's End
The Pirate of World's End
The Giant of World's End
Cook, Glen
Glen Cook is new to Appendix E, and did not appear in Appendix N. Appendix E recommends
The Black Company and the rest of the
Black Company series.
The Black Company
Shadows Linger
The White Rose
Shadow Games
Dreams of Steel
Bleak Seasons
She Is the Darkness
Water Sleeps
Soldiers Live
de Camp, L. Sprague
In the original Appendix N, de Camp was listed with the two books given below followed by an "et al", indicating further unnamed works by the author would be of interest. In the Appendix E entry, only the two books are listed.
The Fallible Fiend
Lest Darkness Fall
de Camp, L. Sprague and Pratt, Fletcher
L. Sprague de Camp and Fletcher Pratt were listed together in an entry in Appendix N. Both Appendix N and Appendix E recommend
The Compleat Enchanter and the rest of the
Harold Shea series as well as the
Carnelian Cube.
The Compleat Enchanter
Wall of Serpents
Enchanter Reborn
The Exotic Enchanter
Carnelian Cube
Derleth, August and Lovecraft, H.P.
August Derleth was listed in Appendix N as a general recommendation with no specific works singled out as being more notable than others. Appendix E suggests only a single work by Derleth, which he co-authored with H.P. Lovecraft.
Watchers Out of Time
Dunsany, Lord
Lord Dunsany was listed in Appendix N as a general recommendation with no specific works singled out as being more notable than others. Appendix E gave these six recommendations.
The Book of Wonder
The Essential Lord Dunsany Collections
The God of Pegana
The King of Elfland's Daughter
Lord Dunsany Compendium
The Sword of Welleran and Other Tales
Farmer, Philip José
Philip José Farmer was listed in Appendix N. Both Appendix N and Appendix E recommend the
World of Tiers series. Appendix E specifically recommends
Maker of Universes, while Appendix N attached an "et al" to the series recommendation, suggesting that further unnamed works by the author would also serve as inspirational reading.
Maker of Universes
The Gates of Creation
A Private Cosmos
Behind the Walls of Terra
The Lavalite World
More Than Fire
Red Orc's Rage
Fox, Gardner
Gardner Fox was listed in the original Appendix N. Both Appendix N and Appendix E recommend the
Kothar series and the
Kyrik series. Appendix E specifically recommends
Kothar and the Conjuror's Curse and
Kyrik and the Lost Queen. Appendix N attached an "et al" to the recommendation of the two series, suggesting that further unnamed works by the author would also serve as inspirational reading.
Kothar: Barbarian Swordsman
Kothar of the Magic Sword
Kothar and the Demon Queen
Kothar and the Conjuror's Curse
Kothar and the Wizard Slayer
Kyrik: Warlock Warrior
Kyrik Fights the Demon World
Kyrik and the Wizard's Sword
Kyrik and the Lost Queen
Froud, Brian and Lee, Alan
Brian Froud and Alan Lee are new to Appendix E, and did not appear in Appendix N.
Hickman, Tracy, and Weis, Margaret
Tracy Hickman and Margaret Weis are new to Appendix E, and did not appear in Appendix N. Appendix E recommends
Dragons of Autumn Twilight and the rest of the
Dragonlance Chronicles trilogy.
Dragons of Autumn Twilight
Dragons of Winter Night
Dragons of Spring Dawning
Hodgson, William Hope
William Hope Hodgson is new to Appendix E, and did not appear in Appendix N.
The Night Land
Howard, Robert E.
Robert E. Howard was in Appendix N. Both Appendix N and Appendix E recommend the
Conan series. Appendix E specifically recommends
The Coming of Conan the Cimmerian.
Conan the Swordsman
Conan of Cimmeria
Conan the Freebooter
Conan the Wanderer
Conan the Adventurer
Conan the Warrior
Conan the Usurper
Conan the Conqueror
N.K. Jemisin
N.K. Jemisin is new to Appendix E, and did not appear in Appendix N. Appendix E recommends
The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms and the rest of the
Inheritance trilogy, as well as two other novels.
The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms
The Broken Kingdoms
The Kingdom of Gods
The Killing Moon
The Shadowed Sun
Jordan, Robert
Robert Jordan is new to Appendix E, and did not appear in Appendix N. Appendix E recommends
The Eye of the World and the rest of the
Wheel of Time series.
The Eye of the World
The Great Hunt
The Dragon Reborn
The Shadow Rising
The Fires of Heaven
Lord of Chaos
A Crown of Swords
The Path of Daggers
Winter's Heart
Crossroads of Twilight
Knife of Dreams
The Gathering Storm
Towers of Midnight
A Memory of Light
Kay, Guy Gavriel
Guy Gavriel Kay is new to Appendix E, and did not appear in Appendix N.
King, Stephen
Stephen King is new to Appendix E, and did not appear in Appendix N.
The Eyes of the Dragon
Lanier, Sterling
Sterling Lanier appeared in Appendix N. Appendix N only recommended
Hiero's Journey. Appendix E added a recommendation for
Unforsaken Hiero.
Hiero's Journey
Unforsaken Hiero
Le Guin, Ursula K.
Ursula K. Le Guin is new to Appendix E, and did not appear in Appendix N. Appendix E recommends
A Wizard of Earthsea and the rest of the
Earthsea series.
A Wizard of Earthsea
Tombs of Atuan
The Farthest Shore
Tales from Earthsea
The Other Wind
The Wind's Twelve Quarters
Leiber, Fritz
Fritz Lieber appeared in Appendix N. Both Appendix N and Appendix E recommend the
Fahfrd and the Grey Mouser series. Appendix E specifically recommends
Swords and Deviltry, while Appendix N attached an "et al" to the recommendation of the series, suggesting that further unnamed works by the author would also serve as inspirational reading.
Swords and Deviltry
Swords Against Death
Swords in the Mist
Swords Against Wizardry
The Swords of Lankhmar
Swords and Ice Magic
The Knight and Knave of Swords
Lovecraft. H.P.
H.P. Lovecraft was listed in Appendix N as a general recommendation with no specific works singled out as being more notable than others. Appendix E makes the specific recommendation of
The Complete Works, which essentially amounts to recommending everything that Lovecraft wrote.
The Complete Works
Lynch, Scott
Scott Lynch is new to Appendix E, and did not appear in Appendix N. Appendix E recommends
The Lies of Locke Lamora and the rest of the
Gentleman Bastard series.
The Lies of Locke Lamora
Red Seas Under Red Skies
The Republic of Thieves
The Thorn of Emberlain
The Ministry of Necessity
The Mage and the Master Spy
Inherit the Night
Martin, George R.R.
George R.R. Martin is new to Appendix E, and did not appear in Appendix N. Appendix E recommends
A Game of Thrones and the rest of the
Song of Ice and Fire series.
A Game of Thrones
A Clash of Kings
A Storm of Swords
A Feast for Crows
A Dance with Dragons
McKillip, Patricia
Patricia McKillip is new to Appendix E, and did not appear in Appendix N.
The Forgotten Beasts of Eld
Merritt, A.
A. Merritt was in Appendix N. Both Appendix N and Appendix E recommended the three books listed below, while Appendix N attached an "et al" to the list,
suggesting that further unnamed works by the author would also serve as
inspirational reading.
Creep, Shadow Creep
Dwellers in the Mirage
The Moon Pool
Miéville, China
China Miéville is new to Appendix E, and did not appear in Appendix N. Appendix E recommends
Perdido Street Station and the other
Bas-Lag novels.
Perdido Street Station
The Scar
Iron Council
Moorcock, Michael
Michael Moorcock was in Appendix N. Appendix N recommended
Stormbringer and
Stealer of Souls, as well as the
Hawkmoon series, with an emphasis on the first three book in that series. Appendix E expanded the recommendation to
Elric of Melniboné and the rest of the
Elric series, and
The Jewel in the Skull and the rest of the
Hawkmoon series.
Elric of Melniboné
The Sailor on the Seas of Fate
The Weird of the White Wolf
The Sleeping Sorceress
The Bane of the Black Sword
Elric at the End of Time
The Jewel in the Skull
The Mad God's Amulet
The Sword of the Dawn
The Runestaff
Count Brass
The Champion of Garathorm
The Quest for Tanelorn
Norton, Andre
Andre Norton was listed in Appendix N as a general recommendation with no specific works singled out as being more notable than others. Appendix E made the two specific recommendations found below.
Quag Keep
Witch World
Offutt, Andrew J.
Andrew J. Offutt was in Appendix N. Note that he is the only individual singled out in either appendix for editing a work, which appears in both sets of recommendations.
Swords against Darkness III
Peake, Mervyn
Mervyn Peake is new to Appendix E, and did not appear in Appendix N. Appendix E recommends
Titus Groan and the rest of the
Gormenghast series.
Titus Groan
Titus Alone
Pratchett, Terry
Terry Pratchett is new to Appendix E, and did not appear in Appendix N. Appendix E recommends
The Colour of Magic and the rest of the
Discworld novels.
The Colour of Magic
The Light Fantastic
Equal Rites
Wyrd Sisters
Guards! Guards!
Moving Pictures
Reaper Man
Witches Abroad
Small Gods
Lords and Ladies
Men at Arms
Soul Music
Interesting Times
Feet of Clay
The Last Continent
Carpe Jugulum
The Fifth Elephant
The Truth
Thief of Time
The Last Hero
The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents
Night Watch
The Wee Free Men
Monstrous Regiment
A Hat Full of Sky
Going Postal
Making Money
Unseen Academicals
I Shall Wear Midnight
Raising Steam
The Shepherd's Crown
Pratt, Fletcher
Fletcher Pratt was in Appendix N. Both appendices recommend
Blue Star, but Appendix N attached an "et al" to the recommendation, suggesting that further unnamed works by the author would also serve as inspirational reading.
Blue Star
Rothfuss, Patrick
Patrick Rothfuss is new to Appendix E, and did not appear in Appendix N. Appendix E recommends
The Name of the Wind and the rest of the
Kingkiller Chronicles.
The Name of the Wind
The Wise Man's Fear
The Doors of Stone
Saberhagen, Fred
Fred Saberhagen was in Appendix N. Appendix N only recommended
Changeling Earth, while Appendix E added
The Broken Lands as well. Appendix N attached an "et al" to its recommendation, suggesting that further unnamed works by the author would also serve as inspirational reading.
The Broken Lands
Changeling Earth
Salvatore, R.A.
R.A. Salvatore is new to Appendix E, and did not appear in Appendix N. Appendix E recommends
The Crystal Shard and the rest of
The Legend of Driz'zt.
The Crystal Shard
Streams of Silver
The Halfling's Gem
The Legacy
Starless Night
Siege of Darkness
Passage to Dawn
The Silent Blade
The Spine of the World
Servant of the Shard
Sea of Swords
The Thousand Orcs
The Lone Drow
The Two Swords
The Orc King
The Pirate King
The Ghost King
Charon's Claw
The Last Threshold
Sanderson, Brandon
Brandon Sanderson is new to Appendix E, and did not appear in Appendix N. Appendix E recommends
Mistborn and the rest of the
Mistborn series.
The Well of Ascension
The Hero of Ages
The Alloy of Law
Shadows of Self
The Bands of Mourning
Smith, Clark Ashton
Clark Ashton Smith is new to Appendix E, and did not appear in Appendix N.
The Return of the Sorcerer
St. Clair, Margaret
Margaret St. Clair was in Appendix N. Appendix N only listed recommendations for
The Shadow People and
Sign of the Labrys. Appendix E added
Change the Sky and Other Stories to the list.
Change the Sky and Other Stories
The Shadow People
Sign of the Labrys
Tolkien, J.R.R.
J.R.R. Tolkien was in Appendix N. Appendix N gave recommendations for
The Hobbit and
The Lord of the Rings. Appendix E added a recommendation for
The Silmarillion.
The Hobbit
The Fellowship of the Ring
The Two Towers
The Return of the King
The Silmarillion
Tolstoy, Nikolai
Nikolai Tolstoy is new to Appendix E, and did not appear in Appendix N.
The Coming of the King
Vance, Jack
Jack Vance was in Appendix N. Both Appendix N and Appendix E recommend
The Dying Earth and
The Eyes of the Overworld, but Appendix N also attached an "et al" to its recommendation, suggesting that further unnamed works by the author would also serve as inspirational reading.
The Dying Earth
The Eyes of the Overworld
Weinbaum, Stanley
Stanley Weinbaum was listed in Appendix N as a general recommendation with no specific works singled out as being more notable than others. Appendix E made the two specific recommendations found below.
Valley of Dreams
The Worlds of If
Wellman, Manly Wade
Manly Wade Wellman was listed in Appendix N as a general recommendation with no specific works singled out as being more notable than others. Appendix E made the specific recommendation found below.
The Golgotha Dancers
Williamson, Jack
Jack Williamson was listed in Appendix N as a general recommendation with no specific works singled out as being more notable than others. Appendix E made the two specific recommendations found below.
The Cosmic Express
The Pygmy Planet
Wolfe, Gene
Gene Wolfe is new to Appendix E, and did not appear in Appendix N. Appendix E recommends
The Shadow of the Torturer and the rest of the
Book of the New Sun.
The Shadow of the Torturer
The Claw of the Conciliator
The Sword of the Lictor
The Citadel of the Autarch
The Urth of the New Sun
Zelazny, Roger
Roger Zelazny was in Appendix N. Both Appendix N and Appendix E recommend
Jack of Shadows and the
Amber series. Appendix E specifically recommends
Nine Princes in Amber. Appendix N also attached an "et al" to its recommendations, suggesting that further unnamed works by the author would also serve as inspirational reading.
Jack of Shadows
Nine Princes in Amber
The Guns of Avalon
Sign of the Unicorn
The Hand of Oberon
The Courts of Chaos
Trumps of Doom
Blood of Amber
Sign of Chaos
Knight of Shadows
Prince of Chaos
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