Tuesday, December 31, 2002

2002 Clarke Award Nominees

Location: United Kingdom.

Comments: Gwyneth Jones shares a common characteristic with Stephen Baxter: They have both been nominated for the Clarke Award seven times. Jones has one accomplishment that Baxter does not have; She has won a Clarke Award. Baxter has a distinction that Jones does not; I have read two of Baxter's books, and none of Jones'. I don't know why I haven't read any of Gwyneth Jones' books, but this is clearly an oversight that I need to rectify as soon as practicable.

Bold as Love by Gwyneth Jones

Fallen Dragon by Peter F. Hamilton
Mappa Mundi by Justina Robson
Pashazade: The First Arabesk by Jon Courtenay Grimwood
Passage by Connie Willis
The Secret of Life by Paul J. McAuley

What Are the Arthur C. Clarke Awards?

Go to previous year's nominees: 2001
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2002 Campbell Award Nominees

Location: Campbell Conference Awards Banquet at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, Kansas.

Comments: After years of wildly fluctuating formats for reporting the results of the Campbell Awards, the judges finally decided to catch up to the point that every other major award had been by the 1970s and provide a list of the winner along with all of the shortlisted finalists for the award. The Campbell Awards, unlike other major genre awards, has continued the practice of listing the second and third place finishers (although in a bout of sanity, they listed only the two books tied for first place and the third place finisher as having "placed"), but from this point forward they would also list the nominated novels that didn't place first, second, or third in the voting. And it only took the Campbell Awards until 2002 to do this, arriving at the same point that the Hugos got to in the 1950s.

Best Novel

(tie) The Chronoliths by Robert Charles Wilson
(tie) Terraforming Earth by Jack Williamson

Third Place:
Probability Sun by Nancy Kress

Dark Light by Ken MacLeod
Deepsix by Jack McDevitt
Fallen Dragon by Peter F. Hamilton
Hammerfall by C.J. Cherryh
The House of Dust by Paul Johnston
The Meek by Scott Mackay
Nekropolis by Maureen F. McHugh
Pashazade: The First Arabesk by Jon Courtenay Grimwood
Passage by Connie Willis

Go to previous year's nominees: 2001
Go to subsequent year's nominees: 2003

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2002 Prometheus Award Nominees

Location: Unknown.

Comments: There are some choices made by the Libertarian Futurist Society that simply mystify me. I can understand why they would want to honor The Prisoner. The themes reflected in A Clockwork Orange and It Can't Happen Here are certainly ones that would be of interest to someone of a libertarian bent. And the Libertarian Futurist Society seems to have never met a Heinlein work that they didn't want to honor. But the presence of The Lord of the Rings on the list of Hall of Fame nominees simply mystifies me. I cannot see how Tolkien's work related in any way to libertarianism. I suppose one might consider it "libertarian" that the heroic characters in the trilogy seek to resist Sauron's efforts to enslave the "free peoples of Middle-Earth", but that seems like an awfully tenuous connection even if one regards it in its most favorable light.

Best Novel

Psychohistorical Crisis by Donald M. Kingsbury

Other Nominees:
The American Zone by L. Neil Smith
Enemy Glory by Karen Michalson
Falling Stars by Michael F. Flynn
Hosts by F. Paul Wilson

Hall of Fame

The Prisoner written and produced by Patrick McGoohan

Other Nominees:
A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
It Can't Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis
The Lord of the Rings (The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King) by J.R.R. Tolkien
Requiem by Robert A. Heinlein

Go to previous year's nominees: 2001
Go to subsequent year's nominees: 2003

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Sunday, November 3, 2002

2002 World Fantasy Award Nominees

Location: World Fantasy Convention, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Comments: Already in possession of a Lifetime Achievement Award, in 2002 Ursula K. Le Guin proved that she was still at the top of her game by winning the Best Novel Award for The Other Wind, and earning another nomination for her novella The Finder. I'm not sure how often a writer earns an award honoring their entire career and then goes on to garner even more top-level recognition, but the fact that Le Guin did exactly that is yet more evidence of her extraordinary talent.

That said, I think that Neil Gaiman's American Gods was a superior novel to The Other Wind, and a more inventive fantasy. On the other hand, Gaiman has no shortage of awards on his trophy shelf, including several for American Gods, so I'm not really going to feel sorry for him losing out here.

Best Novel

The Other Wind by Ursula K. Le Guin

Other Nominees:
American Gods by Neil Gaiman
Brown Harvest by Jay Russell
The Curse of Chalion by Lois McMaster Bujold
From the Dust Returned by Ray Bradbury
The Onion Girl by Charles de Lint
The Wooden Sea by Jonathan Carroll

Best Novella

The Bird Catcher by S.P. Somtow

Other Nominees:
Cleopatra Brimstone by Elizabeth Hand
Eternity and Afterward by Lucius Shepard
The Finder by Ursula K. Le Guin
Karuna, Inc. by Paul Di Filippo
Struwwelpeter by Glen Hirshberg

Best Short Fiction

Queen for a Day by Albert E. Cowdrey

Other Nominees:
His Own Back Yard by James P. Blaylock
The Honeyed Knot by Jeffrey Ford
Legerdemain by Jack O'Connell
Something to Hitch Meat To by Nalo Hopkinson

Best Anthology

The Museum of Horrors edited by Dennis Etchison

Other Nominees:
The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: Volume Twelve edited by Stephen Jones
The Mammoth Book of Vampire Stories by Women edited by Stephen Jones
Stigmata edited by Jerad Walters
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Fourteenth Annual Collection edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling

Best Collection

Skin Folk by Nalo Hopkinson

Other Nominees:
Dark Universe: Stories 1951-2001 by William F. Nolan
The Essential Ellison: A 50-Year Retrospective: Revised and Expanded by Harlan Ellison; edited by Terry Dowling with Richard Delap and Gil Lamont
Stranger Things Happen by Kelly Link
Talking in the Dark by Dennis Etchison

Lifetime Achievement

George Scithers
Forrest J Ackerman

Other Nominees:

Best Artist

Allen Koszowski

Other Nominees:
Donato Giancola
John Jude Palencar
Douglas Walters
Gahan Wilson

Special Award, Professional

(tie) Stephen Jones
(tie) Jo Fletcher

Other Nominees:
Randy Broecker
Ellen Datlow
Douglas E. Winter

Special Award, Non-Professional

Raymond Russell and Rosalie Parker

Other Nominees:
Peter Crowther
Paula Guran
Jerad Walters
Michael Waltz

Go to previous year's nominees: 2001
Go to subsequent year's nominees: 2003

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Sunday, September 1, 2002

2002 Hugo Award Finalists

Location: ConJose in San Jose California

Comments: After the let down of 2001 in which Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire took home the Hugo Award for Best Novel, the universe was set right again in 2002 when Neil Gaiman won the Best Novel Hugo for his magnificent book American Gods. Not only that, Ted Chiang won for his excellent novella Hell Is the Absence of God, and a book about Chesley Bonestell's art won Best Related Book. How good a writer is Ted Chiang? At CapClave in 2011 I overheard Bud Sparhawk say that he was glad that Chiang hadn't written any stories that year, so someone else would have a chance to win something.

Oh, and a little movie made in New Zealand won the Best Dramatic Presentation Hugo. It was produced and directed by a minor Kiwi director whose previous experience mostly consisted of making modestly budgeted horror movies and based upon a fifty year old novel by a South African transplant living in England who really only published four or five books in his whole writing career. Perhaps you remember it? It was called The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. On a more serious note, 2002 did mark the end of an era, as this was the last year that a single Best Dramatic Presentation Hugo Award would be handed out. In 2003 and beyond the award would be split into "Long Form" and "Short Form" categories, essentially differentiating between "movies" and "everything else".

2002 also saw the including of a "one time only" category for Best Website, an award that Locus promptly won with their well-managed and highly informative website. Unlike other links on this page, the links in the names of the winning and nominated websites don't take you to my review of the website, but rather directly to the website itself.

Best Novel

American Gods by Neil Gaiman

Other Finalists:
The Chronoliths by Robert Charles Wilson
Cosmonaut Keep by Ken MacLeod
The Curse of Chalion by Lois McMaster Bujold
Passage by Connie Willis
Perdido Street Station by China Miéville

Best Novella

Fast Times at Fairmont High by Vernor Vinge

Other Finalists:
The Chief Designer by Andy Duncan
The Diamond Pit by Jack Dann
May Be Some Time by Brenda W. Clough
Stealing Alabama by Allen M. Steele

Best Novelette

Hell Is the Absence of God by Ted Chiang

Other Finalists:
The Days Between by Allen M. Steele
Lobsters by Charles Stross
The Return of Spring by Shane Tourtellotte
Undone by James Patrick Kelly

Best Short Story

The Dog Said Bow-Wow by Michael Swanwick

Other Finalists:
The Bones of the Earth by Ursula K. Le Guin
The Ghost Pit by Stephen Baxter
Old MacDonald Had a Farm by Mike Resnick
Spaceships by Michael A. Burstein

Best Nonfiction, Related, or Reference Work

The Art of Chesley Bonestell by Ron Miller and Frederick C. Durant III, with Melvin H. Schuetz

Other Finalists:
The Art of Richard Powers by Jane Frank
Being Gardner Dozois by Michael Swanwick
I Have This Nifty Idea . . . Now What Do I Do With It? by Mike Resnick
J.R.R. Tolkien: Author of the Century by Tom Shippey
Meditations on Middle-Earth edited by Karen Haber

Best Dramatic Presentation

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

Other Finalists:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Once More, With Feeling
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Monsters, Inc.

Best Professional Editor

Ellen Datlow

Other Finalists:
Gardner Dozois
Patrick Nielsen Hayden
Stanley Schmidt
Gordon van Gelder

Best Professional Artist

Michael Whelan

Other Finalists:
Jim Burns
Bob Eggleton
Frank Kelly Freas
Donato Giancola

Best Semi-Prozine

Locus edited by Charles N. Brown

Other Finalists:
Absolute Magnitude edited by Warren Lapine
Interzone edited by David Pringle
The New York Review of Science Fiction edited by Kathryn Cramer, David G. Hartwell, and Kevin J. Maroney
Science Fiction Chronicle edited by Andrew I. Porter
Speculations edited by Susan Fry, published by Kent Brewster

Best Fanzine

Ansible edited by Dave Langford

Other Finalists:
Challenger edited by Guy H. Lillian III
File 770 edited by Mike Glyer
Mimosa edited by Richard Lynch and Nicki Lynch
Plokta edited by Alison Scott, Steve Davies, and Mike Scott

Best Fan Writer

Dave Langford

Other Finalists:
Jeff Berkwits
Bob Devney
John L. Flynn
Mike Glyer
Steven H. Silver

Best Fan Artist

Teddy Harvia

Other Finalists:
Sheryl Birkhead
Brad Foster
Sue Mason
Frank Wu

Best Web Site

Locus Online, webmaster Mark R. Kelly

Other Finalists:
SciFi.com, general manager Craig Engler
SF Site, publisher and managing editor Rodger Turner
Strange Horizons, editor-in-chief Mary Anne Mohanraj
Tangent Online, senior editor Dave Truesdale, webmaster Tobias S. Buckell

John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer

Jo Walton

Other Finalists:
Tobias S. Buckell
Alexander C. Irvine
Wen Spencer
Ken Wharton

What Are the Hugo Awards?

Go to previous year's nominees: 2001
Go to subsequent year's nominees: 2003

2002 Hugo Longlist     Book Award Reviews     Home

Wednesday, August 28, 2002

2002 Mythopoeic Award Nominees

Location: Mythcon XXXIII in Boulder, Colorado.

Comments: 2002 is the first year for which we have actual data concerning the actual location and date for the Mythopoeic Awards. It seems almost unbelievable that this sort of information was simply not preserved for all of the previous years, but the simple fact is that until very recently most organizations handing out genre awards seem to have been exceptionally poor at keeping records, at least until the pervasiveness of the internet made such sloppiness almost impossible to get away with. The result is that so much information about many genre awards, even awards that have always been controlled by a single organization like the Mythopoeic Society, has simply been lost in the mists of time, and will likely never be recovered.

Best Adult Fantasy Literature

The Curse of Chalion by Lois McMaster Bujold

Other Nominees:
American Gods by Neil Gaiman
Declare by Tim Powers
Ill Met by Moonlight by Sarah A. Hoyt
The Other Wind by Ursula K. Le Guin

Best Children's Fantasy Literature

The Ropemaker by Peter Dickinson

Other Nominees:
Island of the Aunts by Eva Ibbotson
The Two Princess of Bamarre by Gail Carson Levine
The Wizard's Dilemma by Diane Duane

Scholarship Award in Inklings Studies

Tolkien's Legendarium: Essays on The History of Middle-Earth edited by Verlyn Flieger and Carl F. Hostetter

Other Nominees:
C.S. Lewis, Poet: The Legacy of His Poetic Impulse by Don W. King
J.R.R. Tolkien and His Literary Resonances edited by George Makana Clark and Daniel Timmons
Women Among the Inklings: Gender, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Charles Williams by Candice Fredrick and Sam McBride

Myth and Fantasy Studies

The Owl, the Raven & the Dove: The Religious Meaning of the Grimms' Magic Fairy Tales by G. Ronald Murphy

Other Nominees:
Fairytale in the Ancient World by Graham Anderson
The Quest for the Grail: Arthurian Legend in British Art 1840-1920 by Christine Poulson
Twice Upon a Time: Women Writers and the History of the Fairy Tale by Elizabeth Wanning Harries

Go to previous year's nominees: 2001
Go to subsequent year's nominees: 2003

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Friday, July 5, 2002

2002 Locus Award Nominees

Location: Westercon in Los Angeles, California.

Comments: In 2002, and only for 2002, the Locus Awards introduced the Best Website category, which was ultimately won by SF Site, a website that can be found here. Although SF Site is still a going concern, it seems like a wounded and possibly dying one. And when one looks at the collection of websites that were nominated for the award, it is interesting to see both how much and how little the internet has changed over the years. Scifiction.com, Strange Horizons, and SciFi.com are still regularly updated. So is Tangent Online, although Dave Truesdale seems bound and determined to drain the site of all credibility, which makes me think its long-term prospects may not be particularly good. On the other hand, Science Fiction Weekly hasn't had an update since 2005. Fantastic Metropolis appears not to have had an update since 2010. Infinity Plus appears to have vanished and been replaced by the website of a general book publisher. Shadowmarch folded long ago, but Tad Williams talks about it and makes references to it on his personal website. From one perspective the fact that half of the websites listed in 2002 are still in existence and are still publishing new content (although in some cases, much less content), could be considered to be a hopeful sign. On the other hand, a fifty percent casualty rate is awfully high.

Best Science Fiction Novel
1.   Passage by Connie Willis

Other Nominees:
2.   Shadow of the Hegemon by Orson Scott Card
3.   The Chronoliths by Robert Charles Wilson
4.   Return to the Whorl by Gene Wolfe
5.   Defender by C.J. Cherryh
6.   Cosmonaut Keep by Ken MacLeod
7.   Nekropolis by Maureen F. McHugh
8.   Probability Sun by Nancy Kress
9.   Chasm City by Alastair Reynolds
10. Origin: Manifold 3 by Stephen Baxter
11. The Pickup Artist by Terry Bisson
12. Ship of Fools by Richard Paul Russo
13. Terraforming Earth by Jack Williamson
14. Appleseed by John Clute
15. The Secret of Life by Paul J. McAuley
16. The Merchants of Souls by John Barnes
17. Dark Light by Ken MacLeod
18. Metaplanetary by Tony Daniel
19. Dervish Is Digital by Pat Cadigan
20. Going, Going, Gone by Jack Womack
21. Limit of Vision by Linda Nagata
22. The Cassandra Complex by Brian Stableford
23. Eyes of the Calculor by Sean McMullen
24. Maelstrom by Peter Watts
25. The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde
26. A Paradigm of Earth by Candas Jane Dorsey
27. Deepsix by Jack McDevitt
28. Whole Wide World by Paul J. McAuley
29. Angel of Destruction by Susan R. Matthews

Best Fantasy Novel
1.   American Gods by Neil Gaiman

Other Nominees:
2.   The Other Wind by Ursula K. Le Guin
3.   The Curse of Chalion by Lois McMaster Bujold
4.   The Wooden Sea by Jonathan Carroll
5.   Thief of Time by Terry Pratchett
6.   The Onion Girl by Charles de Lint
7.   Black House by Stephen King and Peter Straub
8.   From the Dust Returned by Ray Bradbury
9.   Otherland: Sea of Silver Light by Tad Williams
10. Fool's Errand by Robin Hobb
11. The Dreamthief's Daughter by Michael Moorcock
12. Smoking Poppy by Graham Joyce
13. Mother of Kings by Poul Anderson
14. Coldheart Canyon by Clive Barker
15. Lirael by Garth Nix
16. Past the Size of Dreaming by Nina Kiriki Hoffman
17. The Beyond by Jeffrey Ford
18. Kushiel's Dart by Jacqueline Carey
19. Bold as Love by Gwyneth Jones
20. The House in the High Woold by Jeffrey E. Barlough
21. Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris
22. The Shadows of God by J. Gregory Keyes
23. The One Kingdom by Sean Russell
24. The Hauntings of Hood Canal by Jack Cady
25. Lost by Gregory Maguire

Best First Novel
1.    Kushiel's Dart by Jacqueline Carey

Other Nominees:
2.   The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde
3.   The Ill-Made Mute by Cecilia Dart-Thornton
4.   The Ghost Sister by Liz Williams
5.   Alien Taste by Wen Spencer
6.   Divine Intervention by Ken Wharton
7.   Ill Met by Moonlight by Sarah A. Hoyt
8.   Illumination by Terry McGarry
9.   Dance of Knives by Donna McMahon
10. Inca by Suzanne Allés Blom
11. Archangel Protocol by Lyda Morehouse
12. Swim the Moon by Paul Brandon
13. Eccentric Circles by Rebecca Lickiss
14. The Love-Artist by Jane Alison
15. Enemy Glory by Karen Michalson
16. Children of the Shaman by Jessica Rydill

Best Novella
1.   The Finder by Ursula K. Le Guin

Other Nominees:
2.   Fast Times at Fairmont High by Vernor Vinge
3.   The Chief Designer by Andy Duncan
4.   deck.halls@boughs/holly by Connie Willis
5.   Eternity and Afterward by Lucius Shepard
6.   Stealing Alabama by Allen M. Steele
7.   New Light on the Drake Equation by Ian R. MacLeod
8.   Viewpoint by Gene Wolfe
9.   Yesterday's Tomorrows by Kate Wilhelm
10. Karuna, Inc. by Paul Di Filippo
11. The Caravan from Troon by Kage Baker
12. The Diamond Pit by Jack Dann
13. Cleopatra Brimstone by Elizabeth Hand
14. Sunday Night Yams at Minnie and Earl's by Adam-Troy Castro
15. Glacial by Alastair Reynolds
16. May Be Some Time by Brenda W. Clough
17. Silent Her by Barry B. Longyear

Best Novelette
1.   Hell Is the Absence of God by Ted Chiang

Other Nominees:
2.   On the High Marsh by Ursula K. Le Guin
3.   On K2 with Kanakaredes by Dan Simmons
4.   The Lady of the Winds by Poul Anderson
5.   The Old Rugged Cross by Terry Bisson
6.   Isabel of the Fall by Ian R. MacLeod
7.   Lobsters by Charles Stross
8.   The Days Between by Allen M. Steele
9.   Undone by James Patrick Kelly
10. In the Un-Black by Stephen Baxter
11. Life on Earth by Pat Cadigan
12. Have Not Have by Geoff Ryman
13. The Measure of All Things by Richard Chwedyk
14. Computer Virus by Nancy Kress
15. The Other Real World by Howard Waldrop
16. The Quijote Robot by Robert Sheckley
17. Rhido Wars by Neal Barrett, Jr.
18. Monster Story by Kage Baker
19. This Shape We're In by Jonathan Lethem
20. And No Such Things Grow Here by Nancy Kress
21. Into Greenwood by Jim Grimsley
22. Firebird by R. Garcia y Robertson
23. Know How, Can Do by Michael Blumlein
24. The Two Dicks by Paul J. McAuley
25. Major Spacer in the 21st Century by Howard Waldrop
26. Neutrino Drag by Paul Di Filippo
27. Doing the Unstuck by Paul Di Filippo
28. First to the Moon! by Stephen Baxter and Simon Bradshaw
29. The Boy by Robert Reed
30. The Return of Spring by Shane Tourtellotte
31. Troubadour by Charles Stross
32. The Ferryman's Wife by Richard Bowes
33. The Cat's Pajamas by James Morrow
34. Mirror by Robert Reed
35. The Applesauce Monster by Kage Baker
36. The Dread and Fear of Kings by Richard Paul Russo
37. More Adventures on Other Planets by Michael Cassutt

Best Short Story
1.   The Bones of the Earth by Ursula K. Le Guin

Other Nominees:
2.   The Dog Said Bow-Wow by Michael Swanwick
3.   Incognita, Inc. by Harlan Ellison
4.   The Ghost Pit by Stephen Baxter
5.   Senator Bilbo by Andy Duncan
6.   In Glory Like Their Star by Gene Wolfe
7.   Grey Earth by Stephen Baxter
8.   Anomalies by Gregory Benford
9.   Creature by Carol Emshwiller
10. The Milk of Human Kindness by Brian Stableford
11. Ave de Paso by Catherine Asaro
12. Queen by Gene Wolfe
13. The Building by Ursula K. Le Guin
14. The Shadow by Thomas M. Disch
15. Charlie's Angels by Terry Bisson
16. Cut by Megan Lindholm
17. Unique Visitors by James Patrick Kelly
18. His Own Back Yard by James P. Blaylock
19. The Honeyed Knot by Jeffrey Ford
20. Small Houses by James P. Blaylock
21. The Infodict by James Van Pelt
22. A Slow Saturday Night at the Surrealist Sporting Club by Michael Moorcock
23. Exclusion by Daniel Abraham
24. The Black Heart by Patrick O'Leary
25. What We Did That Summer by Kathe Koja and Barry N. Malzberg
26. The God of Dark Laughter by Michael Chabon
27. Little Brother by Walter Mosley
28. The Ground He Stood On by J.R. Dunn
29. The Exchange, by Nicholas Sporlander by Jeff VanderMeer
30. Self-Portrait, with Melanoma, Final Draft by Paul Park
31. Non-Disclosure Agreement by Scott Westerfeld

Best Collection
1.   Tales from Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin

Other Nominees:
2.   The Collected Stories by Arthur C. Clarke
3.   The Collected Stories of Vernor Vinge by Vernor Vinge
4.   From These Ashes: The Complete Short SF of Fredric Brown by Fredric Brown
5.   Skin Folk by Nalo Hopkinson
6.   The Complete Science Fiction of William Tenn: Volume One, Immodest Proposals by William Tenn
7.   Stranger Things Happen by Kelly Link
8.   The Other Nineteenth Century by Avram Davidson
9.   Strange Trades by Paul Di Filippo
10. The Complete Short Stories by J.G. Ballard
11. Trigger & Friends by James H. Schmitz
12. Night Moves and Other Stories by Tim Powers
13. Thirteen Phantasms and Other Stories by James P. Blaylock
14. City of Saints and Madmen: The Book of Ambergris by Jeff VanderMeer
15. Quartet by George R.R. Martin
16. Strange Days: Fabulous Journeys with Gardner Dozois by Gardner Dozois
17. Meet Me in the Moon Room by Ray Vukcevich
18. Impact Parameter and Other Quantum Realities by Geoffrey A. Landis
19. Futureland by Walter Mosley
20. 50 in 50 by Harry Harrison
21. Stories for an Enchanted Afternoon by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
22. The Man with the Barbed-Wire Fists by Norman Partridge
23. Other Voices, Other Doors by Patrick O'Leary
24. Claremont Tales by Richard A. Lupoff
25. Jubilee by Jack Dann

Best Anthology
1.   The Year's Best Science Fiction: Eighteenth Annual Collection edited by Gardner Dozois

Other Nominees:
2.   The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Fourteenth Annual Collection edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling
3.   Redshift: Extreme Visions of Speculative Fiction edited by Al Sarrantonio
4.   Starlight 3 edited by Patrick Nielsen Hayden
5.   Year's Best SF 6 edited by David G. Hartwell
6.   Futures edited by Peter Crowther
7.   Year's Best Fantasy edited by David G. Hartwell and Kathryn Cramer
8.   The SFWA Grand Masters: Volume Three edited by Frederik Pohl
9.   Masterpieces: The Best Science Fiction of the Century edited by Orson Scott Card
10. A Woman's Liberation: A Choice of Futures By and About Women edited by Connie Willis and Sheila Williams
11. The Best Alternate History Stories of the 20th Century edited by Harry Turtledove and Martin H. Greenberg
12. Nebula Awards Showcase 2001 edited by Robert Silverberg
13. Night Visions 10 edited by Richard Chizmar
14. Supermen: Tales of the Posthuman Future edited by Gardner Dozois
15. Worldmakers: SF Adventures in Terraforming edited by Gardner Dozois
16. The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: Volume Twelve edited by Stephen Jones
17. The Best Military Science Fiction of the 20th Century edited by Harry Turtledove and Martin H. Greenberg

Best Nonfiction, Related, or Reference Book
1.   Being Gardner Dozois by Michael Swanwick

Other Nominees:
2.   Meditations on Middle-Earth edited by Karen Haber
3.   Deep Future by Stephen Baxter
4.   What If Our World Is Their Heaven? The Final Conversations of Philip K. Dick edited by Gwen Lee and Doris Elaine Sauter
5.   The Time Machines: The Story of the Science-Fiction Pulp Magazines from the Beginning to 1950 by Mike Ashley
6.   Sticks and Stones: The Troublesome Success of Children's Literature from Slovenly Peter to Harry Potter by Jack Zipes
7.   Book of the Dead: Friends of Yesteryear: Fictioneers & Others by E. Hoffmann Price
8.   Space and Beyond: The Frontier Theme in Science Fiction edited by Gary Westfahl
9.   The Martian Named Smith: Critical Perspectives on Robert A. Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land by William H. Patterson, Jr. and Andrew Thornton
10. The Hidden Library of Tanith Lee: Themes and Subtexts from Dionysos to the Immortal Gene by Mavis Haut
11. Storyteller: The Official Orson Scott Card Bibliography and Guide by Michael R. Collings
12. Shadows in the Attic: A Guide to British Supernatural Fiction 1820-1950 by Neil Wilson
13. Ramsey Campbell and Modern Horror Fiction by S.T. Joshi

Best Art Book
1.   Spectrum 8: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art edited by Cathy Fenner and Arnie Fenner

Other Nominees:
2.   The Art of Chesley Bonestell by Ron Miller and Frederick C. Durant III, with Melvin H. Schuetz; art by Chesley Bonestell
3.   The Art of Richard Powers by Jane Frank; art by Richard Powers
4.   The Last Hero by Terry Pratchett; illustrated by Paul Kidby
5.   The Great American Paperback by Richard A. Lupoff
6.   Testament: The Life and Art of Frank Frazetta by Cathy Fenner and Arnie Fenner; art by Frank Frazetta
7.   Fantasy of the 20th Century: An Illustrated History by Randy Broecker
8.   Offerings: The Art of Brom by Brom
9.   The Art of Stephen Youll: Paradox by Stephen Youll
10. The Red Tree by Shaun Tan
11. The Classic Era of American Pulp Magazines by Peter Haining
12. The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells and Tom Kidd
13. Wings of Twilight: The Art of Michael Kaluta by Michael Kaluta
14. Dark Dreamers: Facing the Masters of Fear by Beth Gwinn and Stanley Wiater
15. The Artful Dodger: Images & Reflections by Nick Bantock
16. Ground Zero by Fred Gambino
17. Hardyware: The Art of David A. Hardy by Chris Morgan

Best Editor
1.   Gardner Dozois

Other Nominees:
2.   Ellen Datlow
3.   Gordon van Gelder
4.   David G. Hartwell
5.   Patrick Nielsen Hayden
6.   Stanley Schmidt
7.   Terri Windling
8.   David Pringle
9.   Martin H. Greenberg
10. Jim Baen
11. Shawna McCarthy
12. Peter Crowther
13. (tie) Warren Lapine
      (tie) Gavin Grant
15. Stephen Jones
16. Al Sarrantonio
17. Paul Barnett
18. Jennifer Brehl
19. Scott Edelman

Best Magazine
1.   Fantasy & Science Fiction

Other Nominees:
2.   Asimov's
3.   Analog
4.   Interzone
5.   Sci Fiction
6.   Realms of Fantasy
7.   Science Fiction Weekly
8.   The New York Review of Science Fiction
9.   Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet
10. Weird Tales
11. Science Fiction Chronicle
12. Ansible
13. Spectrum SF
14. Cemetery Dance
15. Black Gate
16. The Third Alternative
17. Strange Horizons
18. Talebones
19. Absolute Magnitude

Best Book Publisher or Imprint
1.   Tor

Other Nominees:
2.   DAW
3.   (tie) Ace
      (tie) Baen
5.   Del Rey
6.   HarperCollins/Eos
7.   Bantam Spectra
8.   NESFA Press
9.   Golden Gryphon Press
10. Voyager
11. Gollancz
12. St. Martin's
13. Subterranean Press
14. Warner Aspect
15. Roc
16. Meisha Merlin
17. SFBC
18. Wildside Press
19. Pocket

Best Artist
1.   Michael Whelan

Other Nominees:
2.   Bob Eggleton
3.   Jim Burns
4.   Thomas Canty
5.   Frank Frazetta
6.   Stephen Youll
7.   Leo Dillon and Diane Dillon
8.   Donato Giancola
9.   Brom
10. (tie) Shaun Tan
      (tie) Vincent Di Fate
12. John Jude Palencar
13. Luis Royo
14. Don Maitz
15. Josh Kirby
16. J.K. Potter
17. Alan M. Clark
18. Boris Vallejo
19. Frank Kelly Freas
20. David Cherry
21. Michael Kaluta
22. Ron Walotsky
23. Julie Bell
24. (tie) Paul Kidby
      (tie) Dominic Harman
26. Rowena Morrill

Best Website
1.   SF Site

Other Nominees:
2.   Sci Fiction
3.   Science Fiction Weekly
4.   Strange Horizons
5.   Fantastic Metropolis
6.   Tangent Online
7.   Scifi.com
8.   Shadowmarch
9.   Infinity Plus

Go to previous year's nominees: 2001
Go to subsequent year's nominees: 2003

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Saturday, April 27, 2002

2002 Nebula Award Nominees

Location: Kansas City, Missouri.

Comments: 2002 was a good year for Catherine Asaro. Obviously, winning the Nebula Award for Best Novel is the foundation for a good year for any science fiction author. But because that was not enough to honor this author's work, she was also nominated in the best Novella category for her story A Roll of the Dice. Both stories are set in her expansive Skolian Saga, which at this point has to be reckoned as one of the most comprehensive and interesting science fiction series that have been written.

I know Best Script was a relatively new category for the Nebula voters, but it seems like they were still working out the kinks in the selection process. Either that, or those selecting the ballot simply lost their minds in 2002, because I cannot fathom how O Brother, Where Art Thou? got onto the ballot. Granted, it was loosely based upon Homer's epic poem The Odyssey, but that's such a tenuous connection given that the story itself has no speculative fictional elements. In the same time period, the Hugo Award voters managed to nominate both the Dune miniseries and the movie Frequency, neither of which appear on the Nebula ballot. One might argue that either of those choices are not as good as O Brother, Where Art Thou? as dramatic presentations, but both have the distinction of actually being speculative fiction, which the Coen brothers movie is not.

Best Novel

The Quantum Rose by Catherine Asaro

Other Nominees:
The Collapsium by Wil McCarthy
Declare by Tim Powers
Eternity's End by Jeffrey A. Carver
Mars Crossing by Geoffrey A. Landis
Passage by Connie Willis
A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin
The Tower at Stony Wood by Patricia A. McKillip

Best Novella

The Ultimate Earth by Jack Williamson

Other Nominees:
The Diamond Pit by Jack Dann
May Be Some Time by Brenda W. Clough
Radiant Green Star by Lucius Shepard
A Roll of the Dice by Catherine Asaro

Best Novelette

Louise's Ghost by Kelly Link

Other Nominees:
Auspicious Eggs by James Morrow
Dance of the Yellow-Breasted Luddites by William Shunn
The Pottawatomie Giant by Andy Duncan
To Kiss the Star by Amy Sterling Casil
Undone by James Patrick Kelly

Best Short Story

The Cure for Everything by Severna Park

Other Nominees:
The Elephants on Neptune by Mike Resnick
Kaddish for the Last Survivor by Michael A. Burstein
Mom and Dad at the Home Front by Sherwood Smith
Wound the Wind by George Zebrowski

Best Script

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon by James Schamus, Kuo Jung Tsai, and Hui-Ling Wang

Other Nominees:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Body by Joss Whedon
O Brother, Where Art Thou? by Ethan Coen and Joel Coen
X-Men story by Tom DeSanto and Bryan Singer; screenplay by David Hayter

Go to previous year's nominees: 2001
Go to subsequent year's nominees: 2003

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